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 Barzani's salary for one month equal to Obama's salary for the entire year!!

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Barzani's salary for one month equal to Obama's salary for the entire year!!  29.6.2010

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Massoud Barzani, president of Kurdistan region in Iraq's north
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The monthly salary of Massoud Barzani is $ 400,000

June 29, 2010

ERBIL-Hewlęr, Kurdistan region 'Iraq', — According to information obtained by the Kurdish magazine (Levin) last November, remuneration and the monthly salary of Massoud Barzani, president of the autonomous region of Kurdistan in Iraq's north is $400,000 dollars per month.

This amount is equivalent to the salary and allowances of Barack Obama President of the USA for a full year, because Obama is the salary ($ 33,333) dollars and only equal to ($400,000) dollars a year. The Kurdistan region budget not to exceed 8 billion dollars a year in return that the annual budget for the United States is ($14,264) trillion dollars.

And Massoud Barzani consists of 3 provinces and population of 5 million people, while Obama is president of 50 states and a population of approximately (307) million.

The salary and allowances of Iraqi president and the head of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan PUK Jalal Talabani, an ethnic Kurd, is (12) million dollars annually, or one million dollars a month, and pay both (Talabani and Barzani) is one of the highest salaries among the heads of the world.

While the salary of Kurdistan president is less than the salary of Iraqi president, but it is also a higher salary comparing it to some of the world's leader salaries, as for example the salary and allowances of Nicolas Sarkozy (President of France) is ($ 26,500) per month salary and German Chancellor Merkel is ($ 25,250) dollars, and Salary Gordon Brown - the Prime Minister of England - is ($ 23,250) dollars, and pay Abdullah Gul, Turkish President is ($ 12,300) dollars and Prime Minister of Japan salary ($ 16,500) dollars. Barzani salary comes in third place in the highest salaries among the world's leader after Talabani and President of Hong Kong, which receives per month ($ 430,000) per month. 


Barzani in the previous session of Kurdistan parliament was not allocated a specific budget and expenses of the presidency did not come up in parliament, as claimed by some MPs.

One of the deputies at the second session did not wish to disclose his name for the sensitivity of this issue told the Kurdish magazine Levin: He has been allocated a huge budget to the presidency of the region, unlike what the government did not reveal the presidency for the expenses of the parliament, and said, "I personally do not know the budget of the President of Kurdistan Region."

In many countries of the world, there is the budget set for the heads on certain grounds, including: the general budget and the salaries of persons and concerns of the President as well as the political system of parliamentary Is or a republic? Or property? Law pointed out the number one region to the presidency of 2005 year on the need to determine the president's budget according to regulations and constitutional laws, but after four years did not determine the budget allocations and the President of the Region.

Abdullah Malla Nuri, the deputy of the Kurdish opposition Change movement (Gorran) said that do not specifying the budget of the President of the region by law shows the lack of planning, paving the way for the president of the province of manipulating the wealth of the region. And said: "We will try in the parliament, determining the budget and the salaries of positions sovereign in the region".

On June 1, 2010 a Baghdad newspaper on uncovered the salaries of the top 10 state officials, with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani taking the lead with an annual salary of $700,000 Aswat Al Iraq website reported.

“The control authorities in the state do not have any written legal texts that specify the salaries of state officials as their offices undertake setting the value of those salaries, appropriations and social privileges,” the independent Al-Aalam (World) newspaper said in a report, quoting a high-ranking state official as saying.

“The money received by those 10 senior officials, in light of information provided by the officials’ offices, could be much less than what is actually spent, due in large part to the absence of mechanisms to verify the top state people’s payments,” added the paper.

“The anti-corruption board does not have any accurate data about the upper political strata’s expenses simply because those persons’ salaries are outside the parameters of any law,” the board chief, Raheem al-Ekeili, was quoted by the paper as saying.

Talabani’s monthly salary is 75 million Iraqi dinars, which make 900 million dinars (roughly $700,000) annually, while the two vice presidents’ annual salaries hit 720 million dinars ($600,000), the paper said.

The prime minister’s monthly salary is 36 million dinars, making an annual sum of 432 million dinars ($360,000), while the monthly salaries of the two deputy prime ministers is 17 million dinars, it added.

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